Below is a list of thank yous (in no particular order and probably not everyone) that are necessary to get out there so that there is no ambiguity as to who deserves credit (if you have not been credited for content that you feel is yours, please let us know via the contact form): -
Huge thanks to the merry band of Beta Testers, who, without any thought of personal gain, spent many hours testing the website. They gave lots of suggestions, helped in finding those pesky bugs, as well as providing lots of resources from fonts to pictures and media to Queen knowledge;
- beyondthemoon
- Jordan (Chinwonder2)
- Wesley (Dry Paint Dealer Undr)
- Miles Fernando (manymilesaway)
- Sofia García (littlequeenie97)
- Kieran (KieranIsHome)
Before we go any further, and even though some are listed below, there are three key individuals without whom this website would not be here;
- Bob at Queen Live
- Martin at QueenConcerts
- Bokkepoot
And now to thank everyone properly;
- First of all, it goes without saying that profound thanks go out to four gentlemen who transformed the face of rock, those being Messrs Mercury, May, Taylor and Deacon. Please visit the Queen Official Site for the latest news about the band, solo projects, tour dates, official merchandise and much more
- For the Queen and Media databases, a massive shout out to Bob; owner, writer and editor of the website Queen Live. This entire project was so positively supported by him, and with his encouragement and website (liberally plagiarised, sorry Bob), QueenBoots was born
- Martin Skála (aka Mr Scully) is a huge contributor to the Queen community. His website QueenConcerts is another massively important resource that provides a wealth of information. This site was, and still is, used to compile all databases and for all tour information, as well as additional images and wording across the Media database. Heartfelt thanks go to him for the sheer amount of work and material contained there
- The Queen Discussion Forum is THE place to be and is the center of all things good about the Queen fandom. Thank you to the moderators, admins, posters and those who spend untold hours cleaning, restoring, remastering, speed correcting, merging (and more) audio and video files
- Another great site is Queenpedia which also provides solid information and was especially useful for the Pre-Queen database
- More thank yous go out to Discogs, another website heavily used for detailed bootleg information and some images
- Another great site is GigInJapan. This site updates quite regularly with the latest bootleg releases and hosts great quality images for front and back covers. Currently, it appears that the last update to the site was in November 2023
- For information on Queen only bootlegs, a good website is Queen On Stage which again keeps itself up to date with all of the latest Queen bootlegs being released
- To continue, another good website for all sorts of Queen memorabilia is Queenvinyls
- Quite a number of Queen bootlegs in this collection have come from This site was updated from time to time, but more recently was focused on Pink Floyd. The latest news is that this domain now appears to be closed (was parked for a while)
- The two main websites that provided fantastic resources for development of html and programming in PHP and JavaScript (and so much more) was Stack Overflow and W3Schools
- All fonts on this site are 'free for commercial use' and are from sites such as 1001 Fonts and Google Fonts. Many thanks to Apostrophic Labs, Kingthings, GUST e-foundry, Sudtipos, xxjjoosengx0xx, Typographer Mediengestaltung, Christian Robertson and Colophon
- Finally, a thank you to those whose artwork is used on the maintenance page. There are a number of LEGO® backgrounds (randomly chosen) and these are credited to the following;
It's been no bed of roses, no pleasure cruise...
I thank you all