Database Details
The objective of this site is to share the freely available Queen (and related) material and increase the databases to allow for searching of more archives. Currently Pre-Queen, Queen, Queen Bootlegs, The Cross and Media archives are available, but for future development, the following databases will be created (most likely in the order below): -
- Dr Sir Brian May CBE
- Roger Taylor OBE
- A combination database with collaborations between band members
- Queen + Paul Rodgers
- Queen + Adam Lambert
- After that? Who knows...
Database switching is very easy, simply hover over the ORANGE database name when you see it and, in most cases, you will be offered options. Changing the database has an effect across the entire site.
Pre-Queen Database- The Pre-Queen database holds all currently available material from 1967 to 1969
- Various releases after 1969 have all been tagged onto the end of the database structure under 1970 for simplicity
- Because Larry Lurex is not Queen or Pre-Queen, again, for simplicity and to find it a home, it has also been added to 1970 (this will most likely eventually move to the collaborations database)
- This database contains every Queen live concert recording available for download, split into multiple searchable criteria (including all bootlegs)
- The database includes live concert audio and video recordings along with soundchecks, radio recordings, TV commercials, interviews and more
- The Queen Bootlegs database is distilled from the Queen database and contains every Queen Bootleg but is restricted to bootlegs with a catalogue number. For example, 27 November 1980 has two bootlegs, 'Uxbridge 741' and 'Gamemania'. Only Uxbridge 741 is in the bootlegs database but both are in the Queen database
- Please note that the database only holds unchanged original rips of the Bootlegs, no remasters etc. (these can all be found in the main Queen database)
- The Cross database holds all currently available material from 1987 to 1993
- A reunion took place in 2013, 20 years after their last performance. To simplify the search options this has been added to 1993
- The Media database holds information, photographs and scans of various things like tickets, ads, posters, newspaper clippings and more from 1966 to 2013
- The database also holds Tour Programs and Fan Club Magazines from 1973 to 1986
- Unfortunately, Fan Club Magazines from Issue 46 (Summer 1986) onwards have a copyright '© Queen Productions' or '© OIQFC' on the back page. Therefore, we cannot make anything available after 1986
Audio/Video Search Guidelines
The databases contain a lot of information and it is important to be able to narrow the search to reduce both the load on the server and the quantity of results presented.
- You cannot search large date spans, for example 'All Years' or decades, these must be narrowed further by selecting a 'Country', 'Town/City' or 'Venue'
- You can search a combination of 'Country', 'Town/City' and 'Venue'. This is a cascaded search which goes down and not up. For example, if you select a 'Town/City', it will block 'Country' but you can select a 'Venue'.
- Using the 'Extra Search Options' allows you to narrow the search even further by selecting as many 'Secondary' options as you like (see table below), as well as the recommended downloads ('Secondary' options vary depending on database)
- Please feel free to play around with the settings to tailor your search as needed
- At site launch, all database entries were marked as 01 January 2023
- All additions added to the database subsequent to the site launch date will appear in the 'Latest Additions' page
- Selecting the 'NEW' button allows for simple searching of all new arrivals up to six months old, at which point they will drop off the new search results
- The additions selection is non incremental, each month ONLY includes entries for that month
Selecting the tour banner will bring up an image of the Tour Program (where available).

When a search is completed, the results are split into dates with the associated venue with any recordings listed below these titles. By clicking on the venue name (highlighted in reddish/orange, shown below) it will bring up images of the venue (where available).

In addition, there are a number of symbols to help you quickly identify key information, these are shown below along with an explanation: -
- Primary Symbol - The primary symbol indicates concert Audio or Video
- Secondary Symbol - There can be up to two secondary symbols with the upper symbol being the predominant content
Audio recording -
Video recording -
Music Video and/or Concert Footage -
Interview -
Comparison -
Radio Advertisement -
Video Advertisement -
Soundcheck or Rehearsal -
General Video of Band -
News Report -
Total running time
Size of download file
Date added to database
Further information regarding recording and download
Recommended download for this date (just our opinion)
- LOSSY - Recording is from a lossy source
- For each database download there is a sample of both audio and video content (selected to try and give the best representation of the listening and/or viewing experience)
- Simply press the button and a pop-up will appear allowing you to either watch or listen. Click away when you are done and the player will automatically stop and close
- In most cases video snips are 10 seconds and in all cases audio snips are 30 seconds. The video is original (wherever possible, about half had to be converted from MKV to MP4) but all audio has been converted to an MP3 to save server space
- Where multiple recordings are available for a single date, wherever possible, the same track has been selected for comparison
Media Search Guidelines
The media database holds all information regarding our Programs, Fan Club Magazines and general media and photos.
- You can only search single years at a time
- You also have the ability to select which type of media you are interested in to narrow the search
- At site launch, all database entries were marked as 01 January 2023
- All additions added to the database subsequent to the site launch date will appear in the 'Latest Additions' page
- Selecting the 'NEW' button allows for simple searching of all new arrivals up to six months old, at which point they will drop off the new search results
- The additions selection is non incremental, each month ONLY includes entries for that month
The media search has its own output page which is different from the audio/video look but has the same feel and functionality
The media view and download area currently contain Tour Programs, Fan Club Magazines and general media and photos. This will be expanded in the future: -
Tour Program
Fan Club Magazine
Photos and Media
- If a Tour Program or Fan Club Magazine is available, pressing on the image will bring up a copy of these in book form allowing you to turn the pages (remember these are greatly reduced in quality from the downloadable PDF versions)
- When you see photos, depending on the quantity, you may be able to move your mouse over them to zoom in for a closer look. The montage of photos and media have their associated filename and size below the image
- When you download, you will get everything you see as well as the wording in a text file
- Please note that if a Tour Program only has a single image available, the download button will not appear
QueenBoots highly recommends VLC media player for playback of video, it is highly versatile and will play back almost any source (any codec). Remember that some video downloads include multiple audio streams which can be accessed by selecting 'Audio' and then 'Audio Track'. Click on the image below to be taken to the VLC website for more details and download options.